Impact: The goal for this project is to help impact movie goers experience, streamline process of ordering food, and reduce the pain point of waiting in line and/or reducing any bad experiences at the theater.
What I learned: Throughout this entire project I've learned about the many details and steps it takes to polish your design. Creating a design to benefit all types of users was a humbling first experience. Being able to collaborate on designs with users to better the overall project is invaluable to all that would use the app.
Kept color contrast and checked color compatibility to make sure colors complied with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
Added swipe to delete designs in cart to help reduce clicking and inserted gestures.
Impact: The goal for this project is to help impact movie goers experience, streamline process of ordering food, and reduce the pain point of waiting in line and/or reducing any bad experiences at the theater.
What I learned: Throughout this entire project I've learned about the many details and steps it takes to polish your design. Creating a design to benefit all types of users was a humbling first experience. Being able to collaborate on designs with users to better the overall project is invaluable to all that would use the app.
1 - Push and clean up any smaller design or visual tweaks to benefit more information to be added
2 - Create a seating chart page if theater is higher-end that food can be delivered to your seat purchased
3 - Create a visually appealing ticket page for purchasing more movie tickets. Focusing on being able to scroll through your inventory of stubs and current rewards you've earned
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!